30 Day Price Match Guarantee

Our 30 Day Price Match Guarantee is when you purchase 4 qualifying tires today and if you find the same tire at a lower price within 30 days, we will refund you the difference of the tire price plus $1.00 more per tire. We will meat it and beat it. You must provide a current local advertisement or printed price quote. This guarantee excludes, closeouts and internet specials. This refund is not to be combined with any other offer. The qualifying tire brands are Yokohama, Toyo, Mastercraft and Summit.

Do You Need New Tires?

When your tires start to go, you really shouldn't. Account for tread wear, exposure to the elements and tire age, and you'll know when it's time to change.

Tread wear

To test your tread depth, Abraham Lincoln's the best man for the job. Put a penny head first into a few tread grooves. If you can see his whole head, it's probably time to tell those tires to hit the road.

What's up with tread depth?

Tire treads, like people, shouldn't be shallow. It's not safe. Good treads give tires a good grip on the road. Worn treads don't respond well in rain and snow, and cause other car parts to wear before they should.

Exposure to the elements

Honestly, your tires can't handle the heat. High temperatures and ultraviolet rays could make your tires go a little early.

Tire age

Tires don't exactly get better with age. Vehicle manufacturers recommend replacing your tires after six years. Tire manufacturers usually say ten. You should check your specific manufacturer's recommendation. Or you can always ask us. We tend to know these types of things.

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